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More miraculous healings in old age

Dora sent us the following testimonies:

At the beginning of this year my father fell twice within a short period in his house. He could not remember what happened. His doctor thought it was a small tia (transient ischemic attack), a short interruption of the bloodstream in the brain). The blood analysis showed alarming levels due to increased thrombosis. He was rushed to “Gasthuisberg” (Leuven’s University Hospital) where they diagnosed him with pneumonia, four ulcers and 4th grade inflammation of the esophagus. They started antibiotics. At first my daddy seemed to recover slowly, but he kept complaining about unexplainable headaches. We had to celebrate his 91st birthday in hospital.

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Double healing of the eyes

Recently François and Els had to go to a funeral in the family on a Tuesday afternoon. They had already informed us that they probably would not be able to come to the meeting that evening. Contrary to their expectation, they returned home at about 18.30 o'clock. They decided to go to the meeting all the same, but  François still wanted to eat a bowl of soup first. He went to the garage and bent down in the dark to lift up the cauldron from the floor. In doing so, he knocked his right eye against an iron bar of a clothes horse.

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The shoulder of a 81 year old heals completely

Theo, nearly 82 years old, can still work hard and he bicycles a lot.
He wholeheartedly believes Father’s promise in Psalm 92:12-15:

The righteous shall flourish like the palm tree: he shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon. Those that be planted in the house of the LORD shall flourish in the courts of our God. They shall still bring forth fruit in old age; they shall be fat and flourishing to shew that the LORD is upright: he is my rock, and there is no unrighteousness in him.

And that is his testimony wherever he goes and people ask him how come he is still in such good health
A few years ago Theo fell when riding his bicycle and hurt his left shoulder very badly. At first he could only move his forearm, the shoulder was frozen. With persistent prayer the condition improved. He could move his shoulder again but working was still off limits. His brother had asked him to come and repair a roller shutter at his place. Theo replied it wasn’t possible because of his shoulder.

When Jan Sjoerd Pasterkamp preached in our church on Sunday 9th March he had some words of knowledge at the end of the service. One was that somebody who had hurt his left shoulder in an accident or a fall, was now healed. Immediately Theo thanked Father silently and added he would go help his brother with that shutter.

On Monday he went to his brother. The shutter was stuck in the header box above so Theo had to work with his two arms up in the air to get it fixed… it was a tough job! He worked very hard with both his shoulders and he had no pain whatsoever… his shoulder was completely healed!
Theo is very grateful to Father, and he tells about it everywhere and he is also working very hard again with that shoulder!

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