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When two of you agree ...

A female resident - greatly advanced in years- from the retirement home where Inger used to work, was eagerly looking forward to the wedding party of her granddaughter, with whom she had a special bond. A while before the wedding, she was visibly getting worse: she became confused, had no strength left. She was expected to die very soon. Years before all this Inger once had talked with her about Jesus, but she did not want to choose for Him nor receive prayer. She thought it was "too late to change her mind". When her condition became critical, she allowed Inger to pray with her and she gave her heart to Jesus. Inger also prayed for new strength, so she would be able to attend the wedding. The next day her condition was much better, and slowly but surely the confusion disappeared and she recovered her strength. With a fresh mind, and a lovely outfit, she enjoyed -amidst her family -the wedding party she had longed for so much.

Shoulder fully healed after prayer

Mai tells her testimony:

“In September 2014 I fell from the stairs at home, two days before leaving on vacation. I got up, could move everything well… thank You Jesus for your protection! I had no trouble whatsoever on vacation.

One evening in October my right shoulder started hurting.  I thought I had lifted Lucas, our grandson, too often that day. The pain stayed, so I went to our GP.

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On Saturday the 14th of April, Sandy looked at herself in the glass, and all of a sudden she noticed that she had been cured! For more than a year she had had a white globule under her eye.

It was quite striking, just recently her father had asked her what it was. Yes, at times Sandy did worry about it. She tried to squeeze it out or to extract it, but all these attempts remained without success. It was stuck, firm as a rock, and it was hard. On the 12th and the 13th of April, Sandy attended part 3 of the healing school, and she also went to a concert where God touched her in a very profound way. On the 14th of April she looked in the glass, and the globule had vanished without leaving a trace... Thank You, Jesus!

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