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As many of you know, we have a prayer box which is placed in front of the church, in which people can put prayer items. Besides that we also have an "electronic prayer box": through e-mail people can send us their prayer requests. Also these requests are put into the box. After each church meeting the entire church as a whole prays together for every item in the box, so it is a communal faithful prayer!
Recently we heard that also other churches are adopting this tradition...

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Grateful for the power of prayer

This is the testimony  of Dominique Vandelannoote, member of the Evangelical Church in Leuven.  We received it through Annie who also prayed for him and put regularly a prayer request for him in our prayerbox.

“In March 2014 I was diagnosed with rectal cancer (cancer of the rectum which affects the lower part of the colon).

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For a while already, Simonne had been suffering quite a lot from a strain in her right leg ("it felt as if it would burst"). Because she could not stand it anymore, she went to the doctor who prescribed her Dafalgan codeïne (a strong painkiller) and sent her to a specialist.

The following day, during the church meeting, a word came that the Lord would heal the pain in legs. Simonne stepped forward and let them pray for her. For a already while she had been asking the Lord that she might "see" once what He was doing. When they prayed for her, she fell in the spirit and "saw" vaguely someone kneeling by her side, two light beams caming out of his right hand. When she returned to her seat, all strain had gone out of the right leg and it never came back. A few years ago, Roza fell and hurt her right knee badly. After some time it looked as if there was also liquid in it. They prayed for her and she was anointed. After a while she noticed that her right knee was completely in order, but that her left knee now showed the same symptoms. Again she let people pray for her, did not notice an immediate healing and so she let it go. Quite some time after that she realised both knees were in an excellent condition. Quite a while ago, Theo had prepared his field for the winter, in what he calls "winter beds"... a heavy job... that evening he came to the church meeting with quite some pain in his left knee. During the worship we sang the song "You who created me". After the song, Theo prayed in silence: "Lord, You did not create me with a sore knee, You can restore it". Immediately after his prayer he felt a soft warmth in his knee and the pain vanished completely.


Thank You, Father!

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