The impact of living in Belgium for 7 years

Michiel and Mirjam de Wolf, a Dutch couple who lived 7 years in Belgium, parents to Neriah and Joël (both born in Belgium) moved back to Holland on 30th September. And this is the mail they sent us: “The move was altogether very blessed and that is surely very special. There is a lot to be arranged with such an emigration, there weren’t any special setbacks, so that was good. The whole time we have been in the tranquility of the Father, we can let go of everything and await the right moment. Living this way day by day is truly blissful!

We see our relatives here a lot these days. We notice again and again that we approach life so differently. There is of course the influence of the Belgian culture but more important it lies at the basis of Gods Ambassade. This pleases us so very much. We notice that things such as ‘giving’, ‘expressing gratitude’ and ‘trusting that God always has solutions’ have become deeply rooted in us by the steady teaching of Gods Ambassade. It gives a freedom in God, and that feels so good in the midst of relatives that have difficulty with boundaries, talking or receiving. It is a strong motivation for us to continue and live from this perspective.

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