
Carine’s testimony:

“Annick, my neighbor, and I go jogging twice or three times a week.  While jogging we talk about most anything, about the children, the dog etc…

Once while jogging she told me they were going to spend the weekend in Durbuy (in the Ardennes) with the family and they could bring their dog, Imca.  She told me that on the Friday before that weekend she went to the veterinarian to get Imca a rabies vaccination.

On the Monday following that weekend Annick told me Imca couldn’t stand on its legs anymore. I first thought that was probably due to the long walks they probably made.  It’s legs looked like they were paralyzed, something wasn’t quite right.

The veterinarian was perplexed. He had never seen this before.  He didn’t think there could be a link with the vaccination. In my spirit though I did get the confirmation it had something to do with it.

Imca stayed a few days in the animal clinic for observation and several tests were done.

When they went back to get the dog, they were told to wait and see.  Either it would slowly recover over a period of 8 weeks at least, or it might recover only partially or not at all anymore.

From the very first moment I spoke resurrection power over Imca and told it to stand in Jesus’Name.

I spoke this in the presence of Annick and the children.  I knew at that very moment it would work, I had the certainty it would be all right.  The father and grandfather undermined the expectation of the children as they were looking at the situation and didn’t see much good in it.

Annick and the children were sad and many tears flowed. I told them Imca would sense them abandoning hope and that together we had to believe in healing and as a result Imca would recover faster. It encouraged them to go on. Inca was recovering enormously. Everyday there was a little miracle: first a waggly tail, the breathing improved, it could lie on it’s side, the hind legs gained some strength and so it could drag itself along a bit, then the fore paws strengthened, it could stand, it could walk, it could run. And all of this is just one week’s time!

Talking about a miracle…

We are happy, the neighbors are happy, God is great, He loves His creation…

Thank You, Father!”

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